Friday, April 3, 2009


Nobody wants to marry a fat girl!Why would anyone want a woman that has a few extra pounds,looks real,and actually loves herself?

In these days we live in a society of hypocrisy.A society that tells us we must look like a size 0 opposed to a womans normal average size,a size 12.In this photograph on your eft taken by E.J. Bellocq (1873-1949),documentary,landscape,and photojournalist,Bellocq is grasping the fine art of a real women.Ive always been a fan of Bellocq's work eventhough many,nor i knew much about the man except that he was an unexceptional commercial photographer who lived in New Orleans.I always admired the fact that his photographs were not only plain and simple however got to the point.He photographs many "real" women one would say.Such as women doing household chores no matter what the color or size.
Me,myself not being of average shape can admire artists such as Bellocq.However,this photograph simply connected with me and to be quite frank i have this exact photograph in my bathroom.This photograph was taken in 1912 from the "storyville portraits"which was a variety of portraits of real women doing real everyday chores.This picture in particular connects with me in a way that no photograph really ever has.Not only is this woman beautiful and in my eyes has a wonderful body,she isnt a size 0.Artists like Bellocq no longer exist because our society has brainwashed us that it is not normal to have curves or look like a real human being,no now one must look like the celebrities one sees everyday on the "idiot box",opps i mean that box we call the television set.Everyday women are struggling with there weight and when people discover artists like this,some may think its politically incorrect,however i think there politically incorrect.Women are beautiful in everyway and in this photograph he is capturing the true nature of a woman,just a plain jane,however with killer curves and just being herself for the camera.Not only is that sexy she has extra weight around her mid section while she does it.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Admire the Message,ignore the lifestyle.

Most Tweens these day's admire the lifestyle of the rich and the famous,such as rap and hip hop superstars,moguls as most of them have become.A form of admiration for a culture that has completely progressed from MC'S,also known as masters of ceremony rapping over a good beat to rappers that convey a message filled with utter garbage and debauchery.
As a result of my research most tweens are beginning to admire the lifestyle rather than the message one is trying to convey.One may argue that a lifestyle comes with the music,however rap and hip hop has lost it's heart and it will never be what it once was.Rap and hip hop began in the 1970's and originated in such areas such as New York City(the bronx).These people would have block parties and began speaking life lessons,very similar to the 1930's Harlem resident parties that were similar to the soundsystems of Jamaica.However according to "most rappers will tell you that they either disliked reggae or were only vaguely aware of it in the early and middle 1970's".Even from the beginning of the rap and hip hop genre did one follow a certain template of a type of music,however they made it there own.It all progresses from the same root.
Rappers these days have progressed to using the words,"niggers" "bitch,"whore" in there lyrics,However if one were to call an african american a nigger,one would lash out in a protest.So why be so hypocritical in ones message?So as a result in my conclusion im begginging to realize and understand that rap and hip hop is something that is following the same template however its completely taken a 360 as most music does,however for the worst.If one is willing to ban certain commercials or books off the shelf why not ban or not produce certain artists?Were killing our childrens future with this type of music that has become nothing but garbage.In my personal opinion this genre of music has progressed to a disgusting debauchery of emotions all wrapped into a "message".Something needs to be done now to protect our future,because if thinking its "cool" to degrade one another then we have another thing coming in the next few years and so forth.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Rap and Hip Hop Lost it's heart

"It aint no fun if the homies can't have none" sings fellow rapper Kurupt in the infamous hit of the 1990's featuring Snoop Dogg,Kurupt,and Warren G.However is it really fun to have had sexual intercourse,let alone touch the woman one's fellow conrad has been intimate with?
From the beginning of the 1980's rap and hip hop has become the phenomenom sweeping young children as one would call,"tweens"(a child between middle childhood and adolescense).Not only has rap and hip hop completely transformed since the late 1980's and 1990's and so forth,it became a lifestyle that say's it is ok to feed our children garbage by letting them know in order to be cool or accepted by society one must have a "bitch"(female dog,however in the rap and hip hop world there "woman") "slang drugs"(sell drugs) and be a "baller"(having an extreme amount of money).When rap and hip hop arose on the east coast in the early 1980's one was familiar with it as actually rapping and dealing with life's problems that we all face.It became a positive lifestyle to vent ones frustrations out in a song.However when such acts such rapper Notorious B.I.G began rapping songs with such titles as "Big Booty Hoes" and "Hope you niggas sleep",the lifestyle and heart changed.Not only are those racist remarks they are also degrating to women.Rappers such as B.I.G have become role models to our children and claim there influences were such rappers like: Run DMC,Grandmaster Flash,Public Enemy,and so forth.Not only did those groups talk about real life in the 1980's,they never sent out the wrong message.These days rap and hip hop has progressed into the biggest debauchery i can think of in this musically inclined society.Yes,i understand one has the right to freedom of speech,however these tweens are our future and what kind of future and society are we going to look forward to with messages such as"Go 'head play that shit I'll lay ya fucking punk ass out nigga" sung by rapper 50 cent on the song"After my chedda".In my personal opinion i completely believe that rap and hip hop has become one of the most ridiculously,overated messages that carry a great beat.Not only do rappers copy and borrow beats from other real musicians,they take credit and feed it to our children.If we as a society are allowed to ban certain books,or commercials for society to see or read then we damn well better be able to ban certain albums from being distributed for the public ear.These rappers are sending the wrong message not ever worrying about what kind of influence they have on these children.Being a child from the 1980's and remembering what it use to be about has become an extreme dissapointment and will never respect or look at what it has become the same again.Rap and hip hop lost it's heart and i will never support or care for it again.